Hi, I am

Seiki Rowins Bie

I write every line of code with security in mind,

So your software stays safe, reliable, and ready for anything.

About Me


I’m a software engineer from the Philippines with a strong background in ethical hacking. Over the years, I’ve focused not just on writing code, but also on digging into systems to understand how they work and finding ways to improve them. I’m passionate about solving real problems, making things faster and more secure, and thinking outside the box—not just sticking to the usual methods.

I love taking on challenges, whether it’s building something from scratch or fixing a complex issue. I’m the type who can’t leave a question unanswered, and that curiosity led me to ethical hacking. Security is always a top priority for me—I’m not just focused on how things work, but also on the ways they could be vulnerable. Whether I’m developing or troubleshooting, I’m constantly thinking ahead to identify potential threats and ensure everything is solid and secure.

When I’m not buried in code, you’ll probably find me on HTB (Hack The Box) or TryHackMe, sharpening my hacking skills and tackling security challenges. I’m always pushing my limits, testing new techniques, and breaking things apart to see how they work—because that’s how I level up and improve my craft.


Contact me at seiki@seikirowinsbie.com or via Linkedin

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